Friday, July 1, 2011

Traveling Wilburys (Laodicea - Canon 41 & 42)

None of the priesthood nor of the clergy may go on a journey, without the bidding of the Bishop.

None of the priesthood nor of the clergy may travel without letters canonical.

Travel during the fourth century had a more onerous affect on the local church than today.  Care had to be taken that the flock had proper shepherding from week to week.  Plus there needed to be sufficient precautions that traveling clergy were operating within the bounds of the office.  The inherent authority of a clerical position allowed freedoms of expression and control over others that may be pressed too far.  To help curb this, the canon regulated the sending authority and proper ecclesiastical identification.

P.S.  Upon deciding a title for this post, I had a dreadful urge to imbed "End of the Line" but refrained.


Glenn E. Chatfield said...

As I have been reading these Canons, it seems to me that they were getting farther and farther away from the simple teachings of Jesus and the Apostles. Very legalistic and controlling.

Sam I Am said...

The development of a clergy system was not biblical back in Johns day and its not biblical today. This system is built upon the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which Jesus Christ said He hated.
“So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate.” Revelation 2:15
“Nicolaitans.” The word is a combination of two Greek words, “Nike” (or “Nikos”) and “Laios” (or “Laos”). The first word (Nike) means to conquer, subdue, or overcome. The second word (Laios) means a body of people, or the common people. When we put these two words together, we arrive at a definition of Nicolaitans as “conquerors of the common people.”
In Revelation 2:14-15, the Nicolaitans are spoken of in the same breath as the teaching of Balaam. The word “Balaam” also comes from the combination of two Hebrew words; “beli” which means “conqueror”, and “haam” which means “the people.” Put together, Balaam seems to be the Hebrew equivalent of the Greek Nicolaitan, or “conqueror of the people.”

Steve Bricker said...

Glenn: I had noticed the same and thought about posting on it when I get through the synod.

Sam: Since you have not defined your use of "clergy system," I will acknowledge your statements by saying that I am a firm believer in a plurality of elders for local church shepherding. What is found here in the fourth century is not quite where it will be concerning power and authority familiar in the Medieval Age. And I would say that the clerical prominence lessened with the Reformation but has continued inappropriately until today.