Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Increased Blog Traffic

Usually, traffic to my blog comprises my mother, sister, and a couple of friends who are as Bible-geeky as I am.  Not so this weekend and following.  Suddenly, traffic jumped ten-fold specifically for the John Chrysostom post on husbands treating their wives well.  I did a bit more nosing around and discovered that my post had been selected for Issues, Etc. Blog of the Week (as in the widget you see in the sidebar).  I was surprised and have already thanked the host.

Traffic will certainly die down again to family and friends, but I can rest assured that all the men who read the post are already making plans as to how best they can implement the sage advice from centuries past.  Right, guys? Right?!


Glenn E. Chatfield said...

That's great! Congrats.

My traffic increased exponentially when I first posted something about Beth Moore. My Beth Moore articles are the most hated and most loved :oD. People from all over the world came at me for those.

Steve Bricker said...

Thanks. Yes, Beth Moore certainly does appeal/appall depending on whether the opinion-holder's standard of excellence is communication skills or content.