Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Neocaesarea - Canon 4

If any man lusting after a woman purposes to lie with her, and his design does not come to effect, it is evident that he has been saved by grace.

This canon was peculiar in that it did not directly regulate a matter of polity but focused on thoughts and intentions in relation to actions: probably both having a view of discipline in mind. The man was certainly guilty of adultery/fornication according to his intentions (Matt 5:27-30), but the canon recognized the sanctifying work that grace has wrought in keeping him from physically fulfilling his desire and thus keeping him from further harm and degradation.  Such is the work of our Lord for his people.

This does not absolve the man from need to contend with his sin nature and consider his members dead (Rom 6:12-14).  Obviously, some work remains to be done by the abiding word and Holy Spirit.

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