Saturday, December 15, 2012

IfWeJustCan Churchology

Late last week, I received the new book Broken: 7 "Christian" Rules That Every Christian Ought To Break As Often As Possible by Jonathan Fisk and published by CPH.  I just finished the chapter on breaking the fifth rule of "IfWeJustCan Churchology"—in other words, constantly chasing after the newest method of "doing church," which ends up resulting in addition-like symptoms for the next wave of doing church rather than biblical spirituality.

As an antidote, Fisk offers this paragraph (among many others) to rethink what we "know for certain" of how the church should be and act:
What if the church(es) aren't supposed to be perfect in any way apart from faith in Christ?  What if putting our hope in structures, songs, and men to lead them are not the answer bu the things getting in the way?  What if we're straining out gnats but swallowing camels?  What if we wrote "if we can only change x" into its mathematical equivalent as [Jesus + x = Christianity]?  What if we do the math and see [Jesus + x = Christianity] resolves to [x = Christianity - Jesus]?
Broken, page 175, emphasis his

His point is that what we continually try to implement as the thing to build up and promote the church is the very thing that should never be introduced at all, because it has nothing to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  How about we concentrate on making disciples and preaching Christ and him crucified instead?

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