Thursday, August 4, 2011

Salvation Offered without Forcing Any to Receive It

"But if Christ came as the Savior of men, as you say, why does He not, with uniform benevolence, free all without exception?"

I reply, does not He free all alike who invites all alike?  or does He thrust back or repel any one from the kindness of the Supreme who gives to all alike the power of coming to Him,—to men of high rank, to the meanest slaves, to women, to boys?  "To all," He says, "the fountain of life is open, and no one is hindered or kept back from drinking."  If you are so fastidious as to spurn the kindness of the offered gift, nay, more, if your wisdom is so great that you term those things which are offered by Christ ridiculous and absurd, why should He keep on inviting you, while His only duty is to make the enjoyment of His bounty depend upon your own free choice?…Must you be even implored to deign to accept the gift of salvation from God; and must God’s gracious mercy be poured into your bosom while you reject it with disdain, and flee very far from it?  Do you choose to take what is offered, and turn it to your own advantage?  You will in that case have consulted your own interests.  Do you reject with disdain, lightly esteem, and despise it?  You will in this case have robbed yourself of the benefit of the gift.  God compels no one, terrifies no one with overpowering fear.  For our salvation is not necessary to Him, so that He would gain anything or suffer any loss, if He either made us divine,1 or allowed us to be annihilated and destroyed by corruption.

Arnobius of Sicca, The Case against the Pagans, Book II, cap. 64

1 I.e., immortal

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