Tuesday, August 23, 2011

God Is Not Defined by Form

God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.  John 4:24

Arnobius argues that the divine nature cannot have a physical form, since any such form, regardless of how large, must be finite—something God cannot be.

Our opinion on the subject is as follows:—that the whole divine nature, since it neither came into existence at any time, nor will ever come to an end of life, is devoid of bodily features, and does not have anything like the forms by which the external termination of the several members usually completes the union of parts.  For whatever is of this character, we think mortal and perishable; nor do we believe that anything can endure forever which an inevitable end shuts in, however remote the enclosing borders.
Arnobius of Sicca, The Case against the Pagans, Book III, cap. 12

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