Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Seeking Approval or Seeking the Lost?

Pastor Larry Peters has a post calling for the Church to attend to gospel proclamation, not cultural appropriation. I was particularly struck by the following:
The Church and Christians have become so pathetically needy in their quest for attention that they will put whatever words they can into the mouth of God so that the people will like them on Facebook and follow them on Instagram. The Church and Christians crave the approval of the masses so deeply that they will surrender every doctrine and dogma to the altar of public affection. Christianity has given up on the approval of God and so all that is left is to follow like desperate puppies behind an indifferent and uncaring world that has already decided the god of desire is better than any God of the Cross.
May we be found following Christ and all He has commanded, not inventing or chasing after appealing doctrine.

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