Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Crucifying the Flesh

And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  (Gal 5:24)

True believers are no hypocrites.  They crucify the flesh with its evil desires and lusts.  Inasmuch as they have not altogether put off the sinful flesh they are inclined to sin.  They do not fear or love God as they should.  They are likely to be provoked to anger, to envy, to impatience, to carnal lust, and other emotions.  But they will not do the things to which the flesh incites them.  They crucify the flesh with its evil desires and lusts by fasting and exercise and, above all, by a walk in the Spirit.

Martin Luther, “Homily on the Epistle for Trinity XIV”, Church Postil

HT: Wil Weedon

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