Monday, December 22, 2014

The Significance of the Psalms

If we keep vigil in the Church, David comes first, last, and midst.  If early in the morning, we seek for the melody of hymns, first, last, and midst is David again.  If we are occupied with the funeral solemnities of the departed, if virgins sit at home and spin, David is first, last, and midst.  O marvelous wonder!  Many who have made but little progress in literature, nay, who have scarcely mastered its first principles, have the Psalter by heart.  Nor is it in cities and churches alone that, at all times, through every age, David is illustrious; in the midst of the forum, in the wilderness, and uninhabitable land, he excites the praises of God.  In monasteries, amongst those holy choirs of angelic armies, David is first, midst, and last.  In the convents of virgins, where are the bands of them that imitate Mary; in the deserts, where are men crucified to this world, and having their conversation with God, first, midst, and last is he.  All other men are at night overpowered by natural sleep: David alone is active; and, congregating the servants of God into seraphic bands, turns earth into heaven, and converts men into angels.

John Chrysostom

1 comment:

Stephen Pohl said...

And so it is even today in the monasteries and the homes of the laity who pray the Liturgy of the Hours daily, singing in the reign of God.