Saturday, November 24, 2012

Holy Everlasting God

I came across this fresh translation of a 16th-century hymn.  The solid Trinitarian doctrine is a pleasure to see.  The translator's post is here.

1. Holy Everlasting God,
Holy Lord of Sabaoth
Holy, blessed Trinity,
Thine the glory ever be.
2.Father, Son, and Spirit, God,
Now receive our praise and laud;
Filled be earth from deep to height
With Thy glory, pow’r, and might.
3.Father of Christ Jesus, Lord,
God our Maker thrice adored,
Who upholdest by Thine hand,
Thine be thanks in every land.
4. Thou who sent’st Thy dearest Son
From Thy lofty heav’nly throne
To us in this vale of grief
To bring Adam’s sons relief.
5. Let us all, from high to low,
Thee and Jesus only know;
Thy Beloved grant, that we
May in Him accepted be.
6. Jesus Christ, Eternal Word,
Image of the Father, Lord,
His eternal Wisdom, Son,
Evermore Begotten One.
7. Unbegotten Deity
Essence from division free,
Yet in person Thou alone
Art the everlasting Son.
8. Jesus Christ, our thanks to Thee
Who a Man didst deign to be
To redeem man’s nature lost:
Save us by Thy precious cost.
9. Holy Ghost, Thou Comfort fair,
Who from both proceedest e’er,
Equal glory is Thy due:
Make our heart and mind anew.
10. Stir within us godly fear,
Let our heart Thy Word revere,
Grant anointing by Thy pow’r
Fill Thy Church at every hour.
11. Sanctify us and bestow
That we in Thy way may go;
And in Jesus’ righteousness
Come to heaven by Thy grace.
12. God who art in person three,
Yet substantial Unity,
Undivided, very God,
Ever Thine be praise and laud.
13. Hear us, Holy Majesty,
As we lift our pray’r to Thee
In Thy name: oh, kindly deign
To reply Amen, Amen.

Translation © 2012 Matthew Carver.

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