Monday, December 12, 2011

Praise Transforms the Worshiper

We are transformed as we praise the triune God.  As sinners we are turned in on ourselves and seek our own glory.  Like Narcissus we admire ourselves and boast of our achievements.  But praise of God changes our orientation, the idolization of ourselves.  It takes us out of ourselves and opens us up to the glory of God.  As we contemplate and glorify our Lord Jesus, we too are glorified (2 Cor 3:18).  We become what we are meant to be, people who reflect the glory of our Creator.

John W Kleinig, "What's the Use of Praising God?" Lutheran Theological Journal 38/2 (2004)


Karen said...

Hi, Steve. It's amazing how self-focused we humans are!!
In a theology class at church (Michael Horton's 'The Christian Faith') we've been discussing the importance of acknowledging the triune God in worship. I was just wondering what your thoughts are on that subject.


Steve Bricker said...

Bless you, Karen, for asking. I am in full agreement that acknowledgement of the triune God is important. That is the biblical description of the God we serve and worship. If we fail to proclaim that, there is just cause to say we are putting another god ahead of him.

One can see a general shift in Christian music over the last 500 years—from deliberate laying out of doctrine during the Reformation to the current trend of telling what I feel to a god [sic] that is so generic in description that a Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist would have no trouble joining in.

Just recently, I told the head of the music team at church that I was quitting the band for several reasons, this being one of them. If the lyrical content is not true to scripture, I dislike playing and do not bother to sing, so why continue?